“The Nokia Lumia 1520 has quickly become one of the best devices I’ve ever owned in my life! Its fast, big, and easy to operate. Here are some of highlights found on this device:”
“The phone does take some getting used to, but I find it easy to hold if you use a case like the Belkin Wallet Folio (cost $45). Now, its roughly the size of a standard checkbook with cover, which makes it easier to hold (looks great, too!). But, if you use a case… make sure the phone’s microphones are not blocked while recording audio.”
“Mobile phone is very good, the first feeling is suitable, and system optimization is good, smooth, actual utility, fever, it was good, acceptable”
Size: “Love the size, camera, and ease of Windows 8.1.”

Battery: “The battery is amazing.”
Value: “Great value if you’re not married to iOS or Android.”
Camera: “Excellent full HD picture quality.”
“Nokia owns the Here Maps(Navteq) so you can download offline maps for anywhere in the world for free. Thats right, you have a worldwide GPS with the up-to-date maps. No need to use crazy amount of cellular data while using google maps or worrying about losing navigation when there is no data connection far from

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